Friday, June 19, 2009

I pray and hope...

I know that God brought us together for a reason...
But I don't like being the one to always talk...
I don't know if I'm worth the time...
I hope that what we share allows us to grow as closer friends, to lean on each other in time of need.

... Gosh I sound incredibly lonely... All I really need is God though, He's the one who will never leave me.

I don't really want to sound emo right now, I'll leave it at this.

p.s. Holy hour with my brother was great!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The Honesty of Mankind

I do not want to question Him, but rather I will trust in all of His decisions. Decisions that are laid down before me, one's that I choose to follow. I pray that I am able to continue to follow this path, regardless of any situations that I find myself in, whether good or bad.

Interesting that I pray for strength in my faith, and now I find myself in a tough situation. I must remember to just trust and believe God will keep me safe. Regarding my situation, I hope that this man, Chris, is able to look deep down into his heart, and do the right thing. I am currently praying for him along with others, that God's light will shine upon him. I do hope that this prayer is answered, not only for my own personal purpose, but for Chris to find Christ in his life. Interesting that all you have to do to put Christ into Chris is add a cross-like figure. Personally this means, he needs a lot of prayers. Through this all, I trust that God will do His will, and that His love will prevail.

God bless